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Tratament antirid (Botox)

Prin plasarea unor mici injecții de toxină botulină (cunoscută mai frecvent sub numele de Botox) chiar sub piele, în doze măsurate și sigure, putem inhiba mișcarea mușchilor în zona țintă, ceea ce are efectul de a ajuta la prevenirea dezvoltării sau agravării ridurilor și, va promova aspectul pielii cu aspect mai fin.

Nu există o limită superioară de vârstă pentru utilizarea tratamentului pentru întinerirea feței, singurele considerații sunt sănătatea și nuanța pielii.

Atâta timp cât pielea dumneavoastră are încă o elasticitate rezonabilă, ar trebui să răspundă bine la relaxarea musculară cu Botox.

Prin relaxarea mușchilor glabelari care provoacă liniile de „încruntare” care vă deranjează, tratamentele permit ca pielea de deasupra să se netezească și pot fi, de asemenea, folosite pentru a minimiza sau opri ridurile din jurul ochilor.

În cazurile în care pacientul suferă cute profunde sau riduri la nivelul glabelului, pe frunte sau sub ochi, poate fi necesar să se folosească mai întâi unele tehnici de resurfață.

Acolo unde ridurile sunt adânci, tratamentele pot fi încorporate cu utilizarea de umpluturi pe bază de acid hialuronic pentru a îmbunătăți și mai mult rezultatele.



109,00 GBP


De obicei pentru liniile Glabella. Acestea sunt liniile verticale scurte care se găsesc între sprâncene și care se extind în sus pe fruntea centrală pe aproximativ un centimetru.



145,00 GBP


Folosit de obicei pentru tratamentul liniilor Glabella dintre sprâncene  și picioarele corbilor din jurul ochilor

 A beautiful woman with with here hair tied back showing smooth skin


185,00 GBP


Cele trei zone principale de tratament sunt Glabella, fruntea și picioarele corbului și toate au propriile lor modele specifice de injectare.

A beautiful young woman with voluptuous lips after having a lip flip treatment

Zâmbet gumos

195,00 GBP


Prin utilizarea toxinei botulinice, putem reduce mișcarea buzei superioare folosind acest tratament. Produsul este injectat în mușchi în măsuri foarte controlate pentru a-i face să se relaxeze temporar, ceea ce înseamnă că se afișează mai puțină gingie atunci când zâmbești.
Efectele nu sunt imediate, fiind nevoie de până la două săptămâni pentru a-și face efectul pe deplin, cu toate acestea, unii pacienți au raportat că au văzut o îmbunătățire mult mai devreme și, ca și în cazul tuturor tratamentelor, rezultatele vor varia de la persoană la persoană.

Before and after images of a woman that has had treatment for bunny lines

Slăbirea maxilarului

185,00 GBP


Un tratament eficient pentru reducerea unei linii proeminente sau asimetrice a maxilarului cauzată de mușchii măriți. Mușchii de-a lungul maxilarului posterior sunt folosiți pentru a mesteca și a strânge dinții și pot deveni măriți atunci când dinții sunt strânși în timpul somnului sau din gumă de mestecat.
Toxina botulinica sau Botox, este folosita pentru a relaxa muschii suprautilizati impiedicandu-i astfel sa lucreze excesiv si sa devina mai mari.

Before and after images of a woman that has had treatment for a pebble chin.

Transpirație sub braț

265,00 GBP


Toxina botulinica sau Botox, este extrem de eficienta in tratarea transpiratiei excesive la subrat (hiperhidroza axilara). Tratamentul implică injectarea în cantități mici de toxină cu un ac scurt în zone foarte specifice ale axilei  care apoi _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf581905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58nerve_bad5cf5 spune glandei să elibereze transpirație.

De obicei, tratamentul începe să aibă efect între cinci și zece zile după injectare și se știe că în unele cazuri durează până la 9 luni.

Image of a young woman that has had a twinkle tip or nose lift treatment.

Nose Lift (Twinkle tip)



The nose lift or " Twinkle Tip" as it is affectionately known is a quick and relatively pain free procedure where Botulinum Toxin (Botox) is injected  into the underside of the nose to make it lift.

The procedure is relatively pain free & takes around 10 to 15 minutes to carry out.

The effects are usually seen around 5 to 10 days post treatment and can last up to 8 weeks.

Before and after images of a woman that has had treatment for nostril flaring. The after image shows how much the nose has reduced in width.

Nose Slimming



Flaring nostrils are a normal part of our facial communication however, excessive flaring can make our nose appear much wider & can inadvertently send the wrong message making us seem angry or unapproachable.

With careful placement of a small injection of Botulinum Toxin (Botox) we are able to slim the nose & prevent the unwanted nostril flaring.

The procedure is relatively painless taking around 10 minutes to perform and around 5 to 10 days to take effects.

Image show the neck of a female that has had treatment for necklace lines. The after image shows the lines reduced and smoothed away.

Necklace Line Reduction



Have you started noticing horizontal rings around your neck beginning to form?

Botulinum Toxin or Botox, is extremely effective in treating these and smoothing out the skin. The treatment involves small amounts of the toxin being injected with a short needle in very specific areas of the neck 

The treatment usually begins to take effect between five to ten days post injection and has been know in some cases to last up to 3 months.

Images of before and after treatment of Platysma bands. The before shows very visible bands where as the post treatment shows a very smooth neck

Platysma Bands



The platysma muscle in the neck is a thin and broad muscle which when tensed some consider can look unattractive and aging.

Using carefully placed and measured small injections of Botulinum Toxin (Botox) we are able to relax these muscle so that the prominence is reduced, making the neck appear smoother and more youthful.

The procedure is relatively painless taking around 20 minutes to complete.

Results are seen in around 5 to 10 days & last around 8 to 10 weeks.

Images of before and after treatment with Nefertiti neck lift on a middle aged woman. The before images show a neck with wrinkles and laxity where as the after images shows the wrinkles dramatically reduced.

Nefertiti Neck Lift



A Nefertiti Neck Lift can prevent the prominent neck muscles from pulling down which in turn reintroduces a more contoured appearance to your jawline and smoothing out of the neck. This procedure is almost painless and takes around 20 minutes to carry out and the results will be seen usually within 7days. Effects last around 8 to 10 weeks and we recommend clients are reviewed at that time in order to maintain the smoother appearance.

Images of before and after treatment of Platysma bands. The before shows very visible bands where as the post treatment shows a very smooth neck

Necklace Line Reduction



Have you started noticing horizontal rings around your neck beginning to form?

Botulinum Toxin or Botox, is extremely effective in treating these and smoothing out the skin. The treatment involves small amounts of the toxin being injected with a short needle in very specific areas of the neck 

The treatment usually begins to take effect between five to ten days post injection and has been know in some cases to last up to 3 months.

Images of before and after treatment of a Gummy smile. The before image shows the top lip raised exposing the gums of the upper teeth where as the post treatment image shows the lip relaxed and the gums not visible during smiling.

Gummy smile



With the use of Botulinum Toxin, we can reduce the movement of the upper lip using this treatment. The product is injected into the muscles in very controlled measures to make them temporarily relax, meaning that less gum is displayed when you smile.
The effects are not immediate, taking up to two weeks to take full effect, however, some patients have reported seeing an improvement much earlier and as with all treatments the results will vary from person to person.

Image shows pre and post treatment of a young female who has had treatment to reduced the width of her jaw line. The post treatment image shows how dramatically the width of the jaw has been reduced.

Jawline Slimming



An effective treatment for reducing a prominent or asymmetric jaw line caused by enlarged muscles. The muscles along the posterior jaw are used to chew and clench the teeth, and can become enlarged when the teeth are clenched while sleeping or from chewing gum.
The Botulinum toxin or Botox, is used to relax the overused muscles thus preventing them from over working and becoming larger.

woman receives an underarm treatment, hy

Under-arm Sweating



Botulinum Toxin or Botox, is extremely effective in treating excessive underarm sweating (axillary hyperhidrosis). The treatment involves small amounts of the toxin being injected with a short needle in very specific areas of the arm pit  which will then  block nearby nerve signals to sweat glands that normally tell the gland to release sweat.

The treatment usually begins to take effect between five to ten days post injection and has been know in some cases to last up to 9 months.

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